The World War II Multimedia Database

For the 72 Million

Allied Prisoners of War Liberated from Omori Camp

Image Information
Allied prisoners of war cheer their rescuers, as the United States Navy arrives at the Omori prison camp on August 29, 1945. They are waving the flags of the United States, Great Britain and The Netherlands. Electrician‘s Mate Second Class James D. Landrum holds the American flag. Captured after the sinking of USS Grenadier (SS-210) in the Lem Voalan Strait, Indian Ocean, by scuttling after Japanese air attack on April 22, 1943. 61 officers and men were rescued, including Landrum. Landrum experienced torture (bamboo under fingernails), starvation (beriberi contributed to his death in 1980) and barbaric medical procedures (a Japanese doctor botched his appendectomy, causing massive bleeding and infection.) Four men from Grenadier died during their incarceration. Omori held prisoners such as Gregory Boyington, the top scoring Marine ace; submarine commander Richard “Killer“ O‘Kane; and B-29 bombardier/navigator Raymond “Hap“ Halloran (who was on the dock with Landrum, but not pictured). All became successful authors after the war, writing about their wartime exploits. Boyington and O‘Kane won the Medal of Honor.
Image Filename wwii1261.jpg
Image Size 1.81 MB
Image Dimensions 2353 x 2928
Photographer Unknown
Photographer Title
Caption Author Jason McDonald
Date Photographed August 29, 1945
Location Omori Prison Camp
City Tokyo
State or Province Tokyo Prefecture
Country Japan
Archive National Archives and Records Administration
Record Number
Status Caption ©2007, ©2024 MFA Productions LLC
Image in the Public Domain

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